Monday, 29 December 2014

My 6 Favorite Games From 2014

6. Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
So, what would happen if a bunch of generic and cliche anime characters were put into a murder mystery in which they all became a closed circle of suspects? An incredibly fun PS Vita game. It's like Phoenix Wright and the movie Battle Royle had a fucked up baby and it's awesome for it.

5. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Yeah this is the only reason this is a top 6 list, play this series, please.

4. Tales from the Borderlands
I love Borderlands, I love Telltale Games, of course I was going to love this. We're only 1 episode into it but I'm already in love with Rhys and Fiona, then again it's Troy Baker and Laura Bailey, it would be dumb of me not to love them.

3. Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars
Ah Atlus, you make JRPGs I just enjoy playing, Conception was a series that I had never heard of until the demo hit the PSN, I spend it pretty much grinding my levels in the demo and carried them over, there's 2 RPGs that I do my best to play through once a year, Final Fantasy IX and Persona 4, this has become number 3.

2. Grand Theft Auto V
What's there to say? Trevor. That's all there is to say.

1. Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes
Probably the worlds highest grossing playable teaser, and it did just what it was designed to, wet my apitiet for The Phantom Pain, I love MGS and am acheing to hear the rest of the story, get to it Kojima.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Happy Holidays Everybody

The once a year Christmas cheer.
So it's that time of year again were we all pretend to be excited about socks, eat a load of food and drink more then your own body weight. While I could be all "bah humbug" about it the fact is I fall for Christmas every year, I think we all do really we just wouldn't want to admit it.
Yes Christmas songs get played in shops 8 months in advance and yes all the adverts are the same but it's part of the charm...

Oh god this makes me sound like I'm the victim of Christmas domestic abuse. "Christmas hits me because he loves me to much to express vocally, he just screams ho at me a lot."

The simple fact about christmas is this, people hate the lead up to it, not the day it's self, it's just a shame it took me 10 years to figure that out.

Anyway, be merry, eat well and drink obsesivly.
Merry Christmas.